IRREGULAR VERBS (most common)
Present Perfect |
Simple Future |
Future Perfect |
Be | I he/she/it |
I he/she/it |
I/you/we/they he/she/it |
I/you/he/she/it/we/they |
I/you/he/she/it/we/they |
Do | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
DID | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
Fly | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
FLEW | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
Go | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
WENT | I, you, we, they |
Have | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
HAD | I, you, we, they |
Have to | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
HAD TO | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
Know | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
KNEW | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
See | I, you, we, they |
SAW | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
Show | I, you, we, they |
SHOWED | I, you, we, they |
Take | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
TOOK | I, you, we, they he/she/it |
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